PO Box 335 Richland, IA 52585

Advisory Board

Advisory Committee

The Mahaska Wapello Early Childhood Iowa Board of Directors delegates the Advisory Committee to investigate the needs of the people within the two (2) counties; to recommend a plan of action to mobilize resources necessary to help meet the two (2) counties’ needs; and to empower the collaborative effort within the community and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. The appointed member of the Board of Directors to the Advisory Committee is Ali Wilson.

Advisory Committee Member Duties

Section A: Membership

Advisory Committee may consist of representatives including but not limited to: parents, childcare providers, preschools, health, school districts, AEA, service providers, mental health clinics, community action, public health, local hospitals, MCH/WIC, Child Health Specialty Clinics, and any interested citizen. The Advisory Committee can take advantage of any other existing groups in each county.

Section B: Meetings

The members of the committee will elect a chairperson and secretary from within the committee. Minutes of all meetings will be kept and made available to all committee members and the general public. The Advisory Committee will meet at a minimum semi-annually or as needed. Members will commit to attending the committee’s regularly scheduled meetings. Meetings must be conveniently located for the Advisory Committee members and the general public and should be held in Iowa Code Section 504A.22 approved sites. Meetings will comply with Iowa’s open meetings laws, Iowa Code Chapter 21.

Section C: Responsibilities

  1. Receive input from suurveys, needs assessments, committees, citizens, and consumers and use this information to prioritize the needs of the ECI Area.
  2. Make recommendations to the Board of Directors for programs and services.
  3. Provide technical assistance to the Board of Directors.
  4. Be an advocate within the community for ECI Area goals.
  5. Facilitate collaboration and networking among members.
  6. Conduct any other activities that the Board of Directors deems necessary.