PO Box 335 Richland, IA 52585

Sieda Parents as Teachers

Program Description

Sieda Community ActionSieda Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a Family Support Program for Families with Children ages 0 – 5 years. Program services are provided by Sieda Community Action with funding provided by the Mahaska Wapello Early Childhood Iowa Area.

Our mission is to provide the information, support, and encouragement parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial early years of life.

The Parents As Teachers program utilizes the Parents as Teachers National Center Foundational Curriculum. All home visitors have attended training at the PAT National Center and are certified PAT Educators.


Personal Visits

Home VisitPersonalized home visits help parents understand what to expect in each stage of their child’s development. The parent educators offer practical tips and activities on ways to encourage school readiness, early literacy, manage challenging behavior, and promote strong parent-child relationships. The program teaches parents simple techniques, based on scientific research that will stimulate the brain development of their child.


PAT offers periodic screening of overall development. The goal is to provide early detection of potential problems to prevent difficulties later in school.

Resource Network

Families can access other early childhood services integrated with the PAT program as well as get assistance in connecting with community services that are beyond the scope of PAT.

Group Meetings or “Connections”

Parents get together monthly to gain new insights and to share their experiences, common concerns, and successes. Group meetings also provide the families with the opportunity to participate in parent-child activities.


75% of families enrolled in PAT must meet one of the following criteria as outlined by Early Childhood Iowa.

  1. Have an income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level.
  2. Have a high school education or below.
  3. Have a child who receives services through an IFSP or IEP. 25% of the families enrolled may not meet these eligibility requirements.

Ages Served

Families with children 0 – 5 years of age.

Intake Process

All families with children 0 – 5 years of age are encouraged to complete an application for program enrollment. Enrollment is based on eligibility criteria. All families are welcome to attend group connections and are encouraged to notify the program of their interest in receiving group connection information and program newsletters.

Counties Served

Wapello and Mahaska

Handicap Accessible

Visits are in the home environment. The program endeavors to hold group connections at handicap accessible locations.

Appointment Needed

Families may contact the program with interest at any time.

Program Website



(641) 682-8741