PO Box 335 Richland, IA 52585

Current Funded Programs

Mother Kissing InfantBelow is a listing of Community Agencies, and a description of their programs that are receiving Mahaska Wapello Early Childhood IOWA state funding for the FYE 2019 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020).

Orchard Place / Child Care Resource & Referral – Mahaska & Wapello Counties

Child Care Consultant: This program provides consultation and support to early care and education providers, children and families in order to promote “secure and nurturing child care environments”. This program serves as an entry point for providers in the early care and education business.

Sieda Community Action

Parents as Teachers Home Visitation Program: Provides home visitation services, utilizing the Parents as Teachers National Model, for parents of children prenatal to 5 years in Wapello and Mahaska Counties.

American Home Finding Association

Mahaska and Wapello County Child Care Nurse Consultant: The child care nurse consultant travels to early childhood care and education programs to assists providers with health and safety aspects of the business. The CCNC assesses written policy, daily practice, and the health status of children. The CCNC and the provider work together to develop an improvement plan, interventions, and monitoring methods.

Cardinal Community School District

Three Year Old Preschool Program for the Cardinal Community School District in partnership with SIEDA Head Start.

Great Prairie Area Education Agency

BASEC Program: Provides support to child care and preschool providers serving young children and their families to promote a healthy social-emotional development of young children. Group Parent Education Family Workshops and/or Parent Cafes are also provided in both Mahaska and Wapello counties.

North Mahaska Community School District

Summer GAP Program: A program available for North Mahaska Preschool Children. This program consists of a 2-week program in May/June designed to help the preschoolers become accustomed to the kindergarten room/teacher/layout etc. in hopes to provide a smooth transition to Kindergarten in August. The program will also have a strong literacy component.

Ottumwa Community Schools – Pickwick Early Childhood Center

Three and Four Year Old Preschool Program for the Ottumwa Community School District in partnership with SIEDA Head Start. MWECI Funding is specifically for transportation to and from the bus pick up sites to the early childhood center before and after school.

Mahaska Wapello Early Childhood IOWA – Quality Preschool Scholarship Program

Quality Preschool Scholarship Program: his program will provide preschool scholarships for eligible families in need of preschool assistance between 101%-200% poverty guidelines.
Wapello County Agricultural Extension District (WCAED)

Fiscal Agent Services: Provides Fiscal Agent Services to the Board. This includes such duties as, but not limited to: check writing, funds reporting and end of the year financial reports.
The NEST Program serves as a strong model for child abuse prevention and parent education serving a high-risk population. The program provides a support network for parents and utilizes the Nurturing Parenting ISU curriculum.

Mahaska Wapello Early Childhood IOWA – Area Director Independent Contractor:

ECI Services Provides a full-time Area Director position, employed as an independent contractor with no employer of record. Serves as liaison between community providers, parents, state offices,  and the local Early Childhood IOWA Board of Directors. Coordinates all functions of the Board. Markets initiatives on behalf of the Board. Helps match community providers with appropriate funding. Reports back on all required state performance measures and any other information as requested by the Board.
Each of these funded programs submitted the advertised RFP funding application to our Board of Directors for approval at our May 2019 meeting. The RFP funding cycle includes 4 additional year options for contract renewal. These applications and contracts are kept on file with our office. To view and read any of these applications, please contact the MWECI Area Director.

MW Early Childhood IOWA may offer funding to preschools and in-home child care providers. Watch our Latest Announcements page for more information regarding the release of funding, should more funds become available, later this fall. Or contact the Area Director for more information.

Please contact the Area Director should you have any questions about our FYE 2021 Early Childhood Iowa Budget.