PO Box 335 Richland, IA 52585

About Us

What is Early Childhood Iowa (formerly Community Empowerment)?

Early Childhood Iowa was founded on the premise that communities and state government can work together to improve the well-being of our youngest children. Early Childhood Iowa’s efforts unite agencies, organizations, and community partners to speak with a shared voice to support, strengthen and meet the needs of all young children and families.

Individuals in local communities working together can identify and implement the best means for attaining desired results. The role of the State is to be a partner to support and facilitate growth in community responsibility; not assume the directive role that the public has come to expect of government.

These financial resources allow local boards to:

  • Support home visitation and parent education.
  • Create quality improvement activities for child care and preschool providers (including professional development and training).
  • Increase access to preschool experiences for children living in low-income families.

The Mahaska Wapello Early Childhood Iowa Board works with providers that serve children ages 0 – 5 years in Mahaska and Wapello Counties.

For more information about Mahaska Wapello Early Childhood Iowa, please feel free to read our most recent Annual Reports and Community Plan.

Upcoming Board Meetings

  • 4th Monday of March
    1. 03/24/2025
  • 4th Monday of April
    1. 04/24/2025
  • 3rd Monday of May
    1. 05/19/2025
  • 3rd Monday of June
    1. 06/23/2025

All Meetings start at 4:00 P.M. and are held at the Fremont Community Center (107 East Main, Fremont, IA).

Official Meetings Open to Public (Open Meetings)Iowa Code Chapter
All meetings of ECI area boards are subject to the Open Meetings Law: Iowa Code 2561.7(5)

For more information: ECI – Tool D