Jeremy EmpiePostition
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(641) 569-7024 Ext. 101Biography
In August of 1984, Jeremy was born to his wonderful parents. At birth he almost died, causing him to have cerebral palsy. To this day, Jeremy believes that the enemy was trying to take him out from the beginning because of the incredible work the Lord had in store for him. One of Jeremy’s favorite scriptures is:
Romans 8:27-29 (NLT):
And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.
It was challenging for Jeremy growing up. In all that He went through, He never gave up on the Lord. In 1991 Jeremy was saved. Jeremy’s parents took him to church, he went through all the motions, but there was no relationship. If you need to start a relationship with Jesus Christ call us at (641) 569-7024 Ext.101 today!
In 1995, the Brownsville Revival broke out in Pensacola, Florida. This is where God really captured Jeremy’s attention. It was there that Jeremy received the Holy Spirit.
Jeremy started preaching the Gospel while in the 7th grade. His ministry began in 2004 under Jesus Saves Ministries. In 2011 Jeremy became an Ordained Pastor and graduated from Bible College in 2013. In April of 2016, Pastor Jeremy moved his ordination to APEPT International Inc. based in Iowa. Since beginning his ministry he has preached, seen many come to know Christ, watched God perform miracles, and had the privilege of giving accurate words of knowledge for the building of the Kingdom of God. His heart is to see individuals, churches, regions, and countries being transformed by the amazing love of Jesus Christ and leave people empowered to do the will of the Father.